Saturday, August 9, 2014

Blazeing For Jesus Intro

Hey guys,

My name is Rob, and I am blazeing for Jesus. May this video bring all praise and honor to god and his glorious kingdom.

For this video, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I found Jesus just a few weeks ago, and I am so blessed to be here talking to you. I've been doing a lot of fasting and praying these past few weeks, and I have had a lot of amazing visions where God has revealed stuff to me that no one knows. In the last vision God gave me, he commanded me to create this YouTube channel and tell all my Christian brothers and sisters everything he told me.

God has commanded me to talk to you about the border security problem, with all of these foreigners trying to get into America. They have diseases, they have lice, they will come here and join gangs, and when they are old enough, they will vote for Democrats, who should actually be called socialists. God has revealed to me that Obama is just a demon, not really the Antichrist, no matter how bad he is. The problem is that if we let all these disease-infested foreigners into our God-given land, they will join street gangs when they're young, and voting gangs when they're older.

Some people say that we should be nice to them because they're just little kids. But remember what the bible says: in Noah's day, lots of little kids drowned. That's because they were going to grow up to be evil and wicked. Same with the Midianites in Numbers 31, when the children of Israel took the Midianite women prisoner instead of killing them. In verses 15-18 we find this:
And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
The women had to be killed because they were so soaked in wickedness that they could never learn the righteousness of God. The boys had to be killed because they would become wicked. Only the virgin females could be kept, because they had never defiled themselves, so they were more submissive and could be taught the proper ways of God.

These hordes of filthy brats from Guatemala will become gangs of pagan voters and they will vote in the Antichrist, and we can't have that. Just think, if these walking disease factories come here, what will be legal? Gay marriage, marijuana, premarital sex, adultery, drinking, who knows what? Before you know it, they will rob all of us hard-working Christians blind and use our tax money to buy themselves Cadillacs and big-screen TVs. They want to take our freedoms away, and that is how they will do it: take our money, take our government, take our country.

Don't let these godless heathens take away everything we value. God bless America. I am blazeing for Jesus and a humble servant of God. Bye for now.

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